30 May 2011


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28 May 2011


Asssalamualaikum warahmatullah~
Somebody sent an email in one of the yahoogroups I subscribe about this interesting book

One of those rare books that have the ability of not making me sleepy while reading them; except yesterday (well reading at 2,3 am, who doesn't?)

here's the link to pdf version of this book. Enjoy! (click me!click me!)

"Eh, don't want to make an article about your trip to Paris meh? Paris tu.."

Em.. Nah...

(current mood: mixed; with 'anger' & 'crestfallen' being the majority)

18 May 2011

Harmoni, synchronize (Perjalananku epi 2)

Synchronize - Jigsaw puzzle
Minta 2 orang untuk kerat 2 keping kadbod untuk membentuk jigsaw puzzle.
Kerat beberapa bentuk daripada kertas secara rambang.
Boleh cantumkan bentuk2 tu dengan kemas, sebagaimana menyambung jigsaw puzzle?

*  *  *  *
The Cog

Sifat ‘complexity, synchronize & harmonize’ memerlukan KEBIJAKSANAAN & KETELITIAN
Lihat saja pada video The Cog ini.